Energy signature of ton TNT-class impacts: analysis of the 2018 December 22 fireball over Western Pyrenees
Authors: Pierre Vernazza,J. Vaubaillon,Cyril Blanpain,D. A. Nedelcu,D. A. Nedelcu,E. Peña-Asensio,E. Peña-Asensio,Mar Tapia,Ricardo Hueso,Mirel Birlan,Mirel Birlan,Theresa Ott,Josep M. Trigo-Rodríguez,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,S. Anghel,S. Anghel,S. Anghel,Esther…
ABSTRACT The increase in detector sensitivity and availability in the past three decades has allowed us to derive knowledge of the meteoroid flux and impact energy into the Earth’s atmosphere. We present the multi-instrument detected 2018 December 22 fireball over Western Pyrenees,…
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Numerical Approaches for Loads and Motions Assessment of Floating WECs Moored by Means of Catenary Mooring Systems
Authors: Imanol Touzon,Victor Petuya,Vincenzo Nava,Maria Alonso-Reig,Iñigo Mendikoa
Technologies for harvesting offshore renewable energy based on float- ing platforms, such as offshore wind, wave and tidal energies, are currently being developed with the purpose of achieving a competitive cost of energy. The eco- nomic impact of the mooring system is significant within the total…
Springer International Publishing
Approximations for traveltime, slope, curvature, and geometric spreading of elastic waves in layered transversely isotropic media
Authors: Abedi, Mohammad Mahdi,Pardo, David,Stovas, Alexey
Each seismic body wave, including quasi-, P-, S-, and converted wave modes, carries useful subsurface information. For the processing, imaging, amplitude analysis, and forward modeling of each wave mode, we need approximate equations of the traveltime, slope (ray parameter), and curvature as a…
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Jarduera fisikoaren, obesitatearen eta ezaugarri soziodemografikoen arteko erlazioa unibertsitateko langileetan
Authors: Itxazne Garcia-Ceciaga,Ana María Valle,Inmaculada Arostegui,Jaime Zubero,Begoña Marina Jugo,Elena Diaz-Ereño
Lan-ingurunean bizimodu osasungarriak sustatzea funtsezkoa da langileen osasuna eta autonomia ahalik eta ondoen mantentzeko. Gero eta interes handiagoa dago gehiegizko pisuaren, obesitatearen eta ohitura osasungarrien arteko erlazioa aztertzeko, bai eta jarduera fisikoa edo loaren iraupena eta…
Wigner's friends, tunnelling times and Feynman's “only mystery of quantum mechanics”
Authors: Sokolovsksi, D.,Akhmatskaya, E.
Abstract Recent developments in elementary quantum mechanics have seen a number of extraordinary claims regarding quantum behaviour, and even questioning internal consistency of the theory. These are, we argue, different disguises of what Feynman described as quantum theory's “only…
IOP Publishing
Massive database generation for 2.5D borehole electromagnetic measurements using refined isogeometric analysis
Authors: David Pardo,David Pardo,David Pardo,Ali Hashemian,Daniel Garcia,Jon Ander Rivera,Jon Ander Rivera
Borehole resistivity measurements are routinely inverted in real-time during geosteering operations. The inversion process can be efficiently performed with the help of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms such as deep learning. These methods require a large dataset that relates multiple…
Elsevier BV
CURIE: a cellular automaton for concept drift detection
Authors: Jesus L. Lobo,Javier Del Ser,Eneko Osaba,Albert Bifet,Francisco Herrera
Data stream mining extracts information from large quantities of data flowing fast and continuously (data streams). They are usually affected by changes in the data distribution, giving rise to a phenomenon referred to as concept drift. Thus, learning models must detect and adapt to such changes,…
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Bio-inspired computation for big data fusion, storage, processing, learning and visualization: state of the art and future directions
Authors: Ana I. Torre-Bastida,Josu Díaz-de-Arcaya,Eneko Osaba,Khan Muhammad,David Camacho,Javier Del Ser
This overview gravitates on research achievements that have recently emerged from the confluence between Big Data technologies and bio-inspired computation. A manifold of reasons can be identified for the profitable synergy between these two paradigms, all rooted on the adaptability, intelligence…
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Shock decision algorithm for use during load distributing band cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Authors: I. Isasi,U. Irusta,E. Aramendi,J.A. Olsen,L. Wik
Chest compressions delivered by a load distributing band (LDB) induce artefacts in the electrocardiogram. These artefacts alter shock decisions in defibrillators. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the first reliable shock decision algorithm during LDB compressions.The study dataset comprised…
Elsevier BV
Refined isogeometric analysis for generalized Hermitian eigenproblems
Authors: David Pardo,David Pardo,David Pardo,Ali Hashemian,Victor M. Calo,Victor M. Calo
We use the refined isogeometric analysis (rIGA) to solve generalized Hermitian eigenproblems $({Ku=��Mu})$. The rIGA framework conserves the desirable properties of maximum-continuity isogeometric analysis (IGA) discretizations while reducing the computation cost of the solution through…
Elsevier BV
Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions
Authors: Khan Muhammad,Amin Ullah,Jaime Lloret,Javier Del Ser,Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque
This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) Grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) (2019-0-00136, Development of AI-Convergence Technologies for Smart City Industry Productivity Innovation); The work of Javier Del Ser was…
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Multi-task learning with Multi-view Weighted Fusion Attention for artery-specific calcification analysis
Authors: Weiwei Zhang,Guang Yang,Nan Zhang,Lei Xu,Xiaoqing Wang,Yanping Zhang,Heye Zhang,Javier Del Ser,Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque
Abstract In general, artery-specific calcification analysis comprises the simultaneous calcification segmentation and quantification tasks. It can help provide a thorough assessment for calcification of different coronary arteries, and further allow for an efficient and rapid diagnosis of…
Elsevier BV
Probabilistic Load Forecasting Based on Adaptive Online Learning
Authors: Veronica Alvarez,Santiago Mazuelas,Jose A. Lozano
Load forecasting is crucial for multiple energy management tasks such as scheduling generation capacity, planning supply and demand, and minimizing energy trade costs. Such relevance has increased even more in recent years due to the integration of renewable energies, electric cars, and microgrids…
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
A Tutorial On the design, experimentation and application of metaheuristic algorithms to real-World optimization problems
Authors: Eneko Osaba,Esther Villar-Rodriguez,Javier Del Ser,Antonio J. Nebro,Daniel Molina,Antonio LaTorre,Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan,Carlos A. Coello Coello,Francisco Herrera
In the last few years, the formulation of real-world optimization problems and their efficient solution via metaheuristic algorithms has been a catalyst for a myriad of research studies. In spite of decades of historical advancements on the design and use of metaheuristics, large difficulties still…
Elsevier BV
A Machine Learning Model for the Prognosis of Pulseless Electrical Activity during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Authors: Jon Urteaga,Elisabete Aramendi,Andoni Elola,Unai Irusta,Ahamed Idris
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) is characterized by the disassociation of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart and appears as the initial rhythm in 20–30% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases. Predicting whether a patient in PEA will convert to return of spontaneous…
Multiview Summarization and Activity Recognition Meet Edge Computing in IoT Environments
Authors: Tanveer Hussain,Khan Muhammad,Amin Ullah,Javier Del Ser,Amir H. Gandomi,Muhammad Sajjad,Sung Wook Baik,Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque
Multiview video summarization (MVS) has not received much attention from the research community due to inter-view correlations and views’ overlapping, etc. The majority of previous MVS works are offline, relying on only summary, and require additional communication bandwidth and transmission time,…
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Multimodal Algorithms for the Classification of Circulation States During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Authors: Andoni Elola,Elisabete Aramendi,Unai Irusta,Per Olav Berve,Lars Wik
Identifying the circulation state during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is essential to determine what life-saving therapies to apply. Currently algorithms discriminate circulation (pulsed rhythms, PR) from no circulation (pulseless electrical activity, PEA), but PEA can be classified into…
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)