

Displaying 901 - 925 of 1307
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3D hp-Adaptive Finite Element Simulations of a Magic-T Electromagnetic Waveguide Structure
Authors: Sergio Llorente-Romano,David Pardo,David Pardo,Gomez-Revuelto,Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
This paper employs a 3D hp self-adaptive grid-refinement finite element strategy for the solution of a particular electromagnetic waveguide structure known as Magic-T. This structure is utilized as a power divider/combiner in communication systems as well as in other applications. It often… Elsevier BV

A Note on the Wiener Filter for Vector Random Processes
Authors: Adam Podhorski,Jesús Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez,Javier Del Ser,Inaki Iglesias
In the present paper we compute the geometric minimum mean square error for the vector linear estimation problem. We do this by proving that the vector linear estimator that minimizes the mean square error (MSE) also minimizes the geometric MSE.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

On Round-off Error for Adaptive Finite Element Methods
Authors: Maciej Paszyński,Nathan Collier,David Pardo,David Pardo,Lisandro Dalcin,Julen Álvarez-Aramberri,Victor M. Calo
AbstractRound-off error analysis has been historically studied by analyzing the condition number of the associated matrix. By controlling the size of the condition number, it is possible to guarantee a prescribed round-off error tolerance. However, the opposite is not true, since it is possible to… Elsevier BV

Social Acceptance and Usage Experiences from a Mobile Location-Aware Service Environment
Authors: Klein, Bernhard,Pérez-Velasco, Jorge,Guggenmos, Christian,Pihlajamaa, Olli,Heino, Immo,Del Ser, Javier
MUGGES is a European research project with the goal of evaluating peer-to-peer service concepts based on GNSS systems for mobile phones. MUGGES provides an infrastructure to create, publish, provide and consume mobile micro-services directly from mobile devices. As part of the project four… Springer Berlin Heidelberg

PATHS – Exploring Digital Cultural Heritage Spaces
Authors: Samuel Fernando,Aitor Soroa,Kate Fernie,Runar Bergheim,Konstantinos Chandrinos,Eneko Agirre,Nikolaos Aletras,Mark Stevenson,Paula Goodale,Mark M. Hall,Jillian R. Griffiths,Andrea de Polo,Paul Clough,Oier Lopez de Lacalle
Large amounts of digital cultural heritage (CH) information have become available over the past years, requiring more powerful exploration systems than just a search box. The PATHS system aims to provide an environment in which users can successfully explore a large, unknown collection through two… Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Microsatellites in immune-relevant regions and their associations with Maedi-Visna and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma viral diseases
Authors: Ramón A. Juste,E. Minguijón,Amaia Larruskain,Begoña M. Jugo,Inmaculada Arostegui,Bernardino Moreno
Maedi-Visna (MV) and ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) are two retroviral diseases occurring worldwide that affect adult sheep. Differences in incidence, which may be related to sheep-rearing and housing choices, as well as to genetics, and disease progression have been reported for both… Elsevier BV

Petri Nets for Detecting a 3D Deadlock Problem in Hp-adaptive Finite Element Simulations
Authors: David Pardo,Arkadiusz Szymczak,Maciej Paszyński,Anna Paszyńska
AbstractThe papers describes a Petri net model for mesh adaptation in 3D self-adaptive hp Finite Element Method (hp-FEM) simulations. The method is applied to a model 3D problem consisting of the simulation of direct current (DC) measurements in a borehole environment with a deviated steel-cased… Elsevier BV

Leaf-litter decomposition in headwater streams: a comparison of the process among four climatic regions
Authors: Pozo, Jesús,Casas, Jesús,Menéndez, Margarita,Mollá, Salvador,Arostegui, Inmaculada,Basaguren, Ana,Casado, Carmen,Descals, Enrique,García Avilés, Javier,González, José M.,Larrañaga, Aitor,López, Enrique,Lusi, Miriam,Moya, Óscar,Pérez, Javier,Riera, Tecla,…
The main purpose of our work was to elucidate factors responsible for the geographical differences in leaf-litter decomposition rates in Spanish oligotrophic headwater streams. Decomposition experiments with alder (Alnus glutinosa) leaf litter were carried out in 22 headwater streams in 4 different… University of Chicago Press

The IRYSS-COPD appropriateness study: objectives, methodology, and description of the prospective cohort
Authors: Quintana López, José María,Esteban, Cristóbal,Barrio Beraza, Irantzu,García Gutiérrez, Susana,González, Nerea,Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada,Lafuente Guerrero, Iratxe,Baré Mañas, Marisa,Blasco, Juan Antonio,Vidal, Silvia,IRYSS-COPD Group
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience exacerbations of the disease that require hospitalization. Current guidelines offer little guidance for identifying patients whose clinical situation is appropriate for admission to the hospital, and properly developed and… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Scattering for 1D cubic NLS and singular vortex dynamics
Authors: Valeria Banica,Luis Vega
We study the stability of self-similar solutions of the binormal flow, which is a model for the dynamics of vortex filaments in fluids and super-fluids. These particular solutions \chi_a(t, x) form a family of evolving regular… European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH

The health, activity, dyspnea, obstruction, age, and hospitalization: Prognostic score for stable COPD patients
Authors: Susana Aizpiri,Pedro Pablo España,Inmaculada Arostegui,Cristóbal Esteban,Javier Moraza,José M. Quintana,Alberto Capelastegui,Myriam Aburto
Multidimensional instruments for determining the severity and prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) must be used in daily clinical practice.To develop and validate a new COPD severity score using variables readily obtained in clinical practice and to compare its predictive… Elsevier BV

On the application of a hybrid Harmony Search algorithm to node localization in anchor-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Javier Del Ser,Itziar Landa-Torres,Roberto Lopez-Valcarce,Diana Manjarres,Massimo Vecchio,Sergio Gil-Lopez
In many applications based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with static sensor nodes, the availability of accurate location information of the network nodes may become essential. The node localization problem is to estimate all the unknown node positions, based on noisy pairwise distance… IEEE

A Grouping Harmony Search approach for the Citywide WiFi deployment problem
Authors: Jose A. Portilla-Figueras,Javier Del Ser,Sancho Salcedo-Sanz,Itziar Landa-Torres,Diana Manjarres,Sergio Gil-Lopez
This paper presents a novel Grouping Harmony Search (GHS) algorithm for the Citywide Ubiquitous WiFi Network Design problem (WIFIDP). The WIFIDP is a NP-hard problem where private customers owning wireless access points connected to Internet share bandwidth with third parties. Aspects such as… IEEE

Decision-making system for obtaining spectrum availability information in opportunistic networks
Authors: Matinmikko M.,Mustonen M.,Rauma T.,Del Ser J.
Opportunistic networks with cognitive management systems can improve the resource use in future wireless communication networks by forming local clusters that are temporary extensions of the infrastructure and governed by the operator. This paper presents a decision making system that selects the… ACM

Two birds with one stone
Authors: NAVIGLI, ROBERTO,FARALLI, Stefano,Aitor Soroa,Oier De Lacalle,Eneko Agirre
In this paper we present a novel approach to learning semantic models for multiple domains, which we use to categorize Wikipedia pages and to perform domain Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). In order to learn a semantic model for each domain we first extract relevant terms from the texts in the… ACM

Optimization-based mapping framework for parallel applications
Authors: Pascual J.A.,Miguel-Alonso J.,Lozano J.A.
Abstract The mapping of tasks of a parallel program onto nodes of a parallel computing system has a remarkable impact on application performance. In this paper we propose an optimization framework to solve the mapping problem, which takes into account the communication matrix of the application… Elsevier BV

Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets
Authors: Baptiste Cecconi,Adam Masters,Adam Masters,Nicholas Achilleos,Supriya Chakrabarti,Sebastien Hess,Philippe Zarka,Christopher T. Russell,Robert Ebert,Laurent Lamy,Jared Leisner,Ravit Helled,Renée Prangé,Jaques Gustin,Martin Pätzold,Chris Paranicas,Gabriel…
International audience
Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A Markovianity based optimisation algorithm
Authors: Jose A. Lozano,Siddhartha Shakya,Roberto Santana
Several Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) based on Markov networks have been recently proposed. The key idea behind these EDAs was to factorise the joint probability distribution of solution variables in terms of cliques in the undirected graph. As such, they made use of the global… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A Preprocessing Procedure for Haplotype Inference by Pure Parsimony
Authors: Ekhine Irurozki,Borja Calvo,Jose A. Lozano
Haplotype data are especially important in the study of complex diseases since it contains more information than genotype data. However, obtaining haplotype data is technically difficult and costly. Computational methods have proved to be an effective way of inferring haplotype data from genotype… Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Saturn’s zonal wind profile in 2004–2009 from Cassini ISS images and its long-term variability
Authors: Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Ricardo Hueso,Enrique Garcia-Melendo,Santiago Pérez-Hoyos
Abstract Five years of Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem images, from 2004 to 2009, are analyzed in this work to retrieve global zonal wind profiles of Saturn’s northern and southern hemispheres in the methane absorbing bands at 890 and 727 nm and in their respective adjacent continuum… Elsevier BV

Hartman effect and weak measurements that are not really weak
Authors: Dmitri Sokolovski,Dmitri Sokolovski,Elena Akhmatskaya
We show that in wave packet tunneling, localization of the transmitted particle amounts to a quantum measurement of the delay it experiences in the barrier. With no external degree of freedom involved, the envelope of the wave packet plays the role of the initial pointer state. Under tunneling… American Physical Society (APS)

Classification of resonance Regge trajectories and a modified Mulholland formula
Authors: Dmitri Sokolovski,Dmitri Sokolovski,Elena Akhmatskaya,Elena Akhmatskaya
We employ a simple potential model to analyse the effects which a Regge trajectory, correlating with a bound or a metastable state at zero angular momentum, has on an integral cross section. A straightforward modification of the Mulholland formula of Macek et al is proposed for more efficient… Elsevier BV

Iterative power and subcarrier allocation in rate-constrained orthogonal multicarrier downlink systems based on hybrid harmony search heuristics
Authors: Marja Matinmikko,Javier Del Ser,Miren Nekane Bilbao,Sancho Salcedo-Sanz,Sergio Gil-Lopez
This paper presents a novel iterative hybrid algorithm for subcarrier and power allocation in a cognitive orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) downlink. In the considered setup a primary base station forwards information to K distant receivers by using a single OFDM waveform,… Elsevier BV

Compensation effect analysis in DIE method for through-casing measuring formation resistivity
Authors: Qing, C.,Pardo, D.,Hong-bin, L.,Fu-rong, W.
The measuring technique based on Double-Injection-Electrodes (DIE) and its compensation arithmetic method have been proven to be very useful for eliminating the errors caused by electrode-scale mechanical tolerances in formation resistivity measurement through metal case. In this paper, we found… Elsevier BV

Long-term evolution of the aerosol debris cloud produced by the 2009 impact on Jupiter
Authors: Adam J. Burgasser,Ricardo Hueso,Santiago Pérez-Hoyos,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,W. Golisch,R. P. Binzel,J. L. Ortiz,Paul Kalas,K. Bjorkman,Vishnu Reddy,John Clarke,David Trilling,Olivier Mousis,Enrique Garcia-Melendo,Amy A. Simon-Miller,Humberto Campins,…
International audience
Elsevier BV