

Displaying 801 - 825 of 1307
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Symmetry in evolutionary and estimation of distribution algorithms
Authors: Robert I. McKay,Jose A. Lozano,Roberto Santana
Symmetry has hitherto been studied piecemeal in a variety of evolutionary computation domains, with little consistency between the definitions. Here we provide formal definitions of symmetry that are consistent across the field of evolutionary computation. We propose a number of evolutionary and… IEEE

The Plackett-Luce ranking model on permutation-based optimization problems
Authors: Jose A. Lozano,Alexander Mendiburu,Josu Ceberio
Estimation of distribution algorithms are known as powerful evolutionary algorithms that have been widely used for diverse types of problems. However, they have not been extensively developed for permutation-based problems. Recently, some progress has been made in this area by introducing… IEEE

The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with critical singularities
Authors: Juan Antonio Barceló,Luis Vega,Miren Zubeldia
We study the forward problem of the magnetic Schr��dinger operator with potentials that have a strong singularity at the origin. We obtain new resolvent estimates and give some applications on the spectral measure and on the solutions of the associated evolution problem.
Elsevier BV

Significance tests or confidence intervals: which are preferable for the comparison of classifiers?
Authors: Daniel Berrar,Jose A. Lozano
Null hypothesis significance tests and their p-values currently dominate the statistical evaluation of classifiers in machine learning. Here, we discuss fundamental problems of this research practice. We focus on the problem of comparing multiple fully specified classifiers on a small-sample test… Informa UK Limited

Direct evaluation of the effect of filtering the chest compression artifacts on the uninterrupted cardiopulmonary resuscitation time
Authors: Digna M. González-Otero,Elisabete Aramendi,Sofía Ruiz de Gauna,Erik Alonso,Unai Ayala,Unai Irusta,Jesus Ruiz,Trygve Eftestøl
Filtering the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) artifact has been a major approach to minimizing interruptions to CPR for rhythm analysis. However, the effects of these filters on interruptions to CPR have not been evaluated. This study presents the first methodology for directly quantifying the… Elsevier BV

A model of scattered thermal radiation for Venus from 3 to
Authors: Ricardo Hueso,A. García Muñoz,A. García Muñoz,P. Wolkenberg,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,I. Garate-Lopez
Thermal radiation becomes a prominent feature in the continuum spectrum of Venus longwards of $\sim$3 $μ$m. The emission is traceable to the upper cloud and haze layers in the planet's mesosphere. Venus' thermal radiation spectrum is punctuated by CO$_2$ bands of various strengths probing into… Elsevier BV

Interference mechanism of seemingly superluminal tunneling
Authors: Sokolovski, D.,Akhmatskaya, E.
Apparently 'superluminal' transmission, e.g., in quantum tunnelling and its variants, occurs via a subtle interference mechanism which allows reconstruction of the entire spacial shape of a wave packet from its front tail. It is unlikely that the effect could be described adequately in simpler… American Physical Society (APS)

Authors: Paszyński, Maciej,Cetnarowicz, Krzysztof,Schaefer, Robert,Pardo, David,Calo, Victor
Elsevier BV

A multi-objective grouping Harmony Search algorithm for the optimal distribution of 24-hour medical emergency units
Authors: Diana Manjarres,Itziar Landa-Torres,Sancho Salcedo-Sanz,J. Del Ser,Sergio Gil-Lopez
Highlights? A multi-objective Harmony Search algorithm is presented. ? A problem of 24-h emergency centers location is solved. ? A realistic case in two regions of Spain if discussed. This paper presents a novel multi-objective heuristic approach for the efficient distribution of 24-h emergency… Elsevier BV

Preventing deadlock during anisotropic 2D mesh adaptation in hp-adaptive FEM
Authors: Szymczak, Arkadiusz,Paszyńska, Anna,Paszyński, Maciej,Pardo, David
Abstract The paper presents a grammar for anisotropic two-dimensional mesh adaptation in hp -adaptive Finite Element Method with rectangular elements. Expressing mesh transformations as grammar productions is useful for concurrency analysis thanks to exhibiting the partial causality order (… Elsevier BV

The Aula EspaZio Gela and the Master of Space Science and Technology in the Universidad del País Vasco (University of the Basque Country)
Authors: Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Alberto Oleaga,Santiago Pérez-Hoyos,Ricardo Hueso,Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia
We present the Aula EspaZio Gela, a facility dedicated to teaching Space Science and Technology at the master and doctorate level at the University of the Basque Country (Spain), and to promoting the development of this field in both public and private sectors. The one-year master's degree in Space… Informa UK Limited

Self-adjoint extensions of Dirac operators with Coulomb type singularity
Authors: Javier Duoandikoetxea,Naiara Arrizabalaga,Luis Vega
In this work we construct self-adjoint extensions of the Dirac operator associated to Hermitian matrix potentials with Coulomb decay and prove that the domain is maximal. The result is obtained by means of a Hardy-Dirac type inequality. In particular, we can work with some electromagnetic… AIP Publishing

A direct solver with reutilization of LU factorizations forh-adaptive finite element grids with point singularities
Authors: Paszynski, M.,Pardo, D.,Calo, Victor
This paper describes a direct solver algorithm for a sequence of finite element meshes that are h-refined towards one or several point singularities. For such a sequence of grids, the solver delivers linear computational cost O(N) in terms of CPU time and memory with respect to the number of… Elsevier BV

A chaotic long-lived vortex at the southern pole of Venus
Authors: Garate-Lopez, I.,Hueso, R.,Sánchez-Lavega, A.,Peralta, J.,Piccioni, G.,Drossart, P.
International audience
Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Application of appropriateness criteria for hospitalization in COPD exacerbation
Authors: Susana, Garcia-Gutierrez,José M, Quintana,Irantzu, Barrio,Marisa, Bare,Nerea, Fernandez,Silvia, Vidal,Nerea, Gonzalez,Iratxe, Lafuente,Edurne, Arteta,Cristóbal, Esteban,Esther, Pulido,Inmaculada, Arostegui
The IRYSS-COPD appropriateness study was developed in 16 hospitals belonging to the Spanish National Health Service from June 2008 to September 2010 (n = 2,877). The objectives were to apply a set of explicit criteria for the appropriateness of hospital admission created by the RAND/UCLA… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A general framework for the statistical analysis of the sources of variance for classification error estimators
Authors: Aritz Pérez,Jose A. Lozano,J.D. Rodriguez
Estimating the prediction error of classifiers induced by supervised learning algorithms is important not only to predict its future error, but also to choose a classifier from a given set (model selection). If the goal is to estimate the prediction error of a particular classifier, the desired… Elsevier BV

On the recoding of continuous and bounded indexes to a binomial form: an application to quality-of-life scores
Authors: Vicente Núñez-Antón,José M. Quintana,Inmaculada Arostegui
The statistical analysis of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as endpoints has shown to be of great practical relevance. The resulting scores or indexes from the questionnaires used to measure PROs could be treated as continuous or ordinal. The goal of this study is to propose and evaluate a… Informa UK Limited

Efficient citywide planning of open WiFi access networks using novel grouping harmony searchheuristics
Authors: Jose A. Portilla-Figueras,J. Del Ser,Sergio Gil-Lopez,Itziar Landa-Torres,Sancho Salcedo-Sanz,Diana Manjarres
This paper proposes the application of a novel meta-heuristic algorithm to the metropolitan wireless local area network deployment problem. In this problem, the coverage level of the deployed network must be maximized while meeting an assigned maximum budget, set beforehand. Specifically, we… Elsevier BV

Influence of borehole‐eccentred tools on wireline and logging‐while‐drilling sonic logging measurements
Authors: Ignacio Muga,Ignacio Muga,Paweł J. Matuszyk,Paweł J. Matuszyk,Carlos Torres-Verdín,David Pardo,Angel Mora,Victor M. Calo
ABSTRACTWe describe a numerical study to quantify the influence of tool‐eccentricity on wireline (WL) and logging‐while‐drilling (LWD) sonic logging measurements. Simulations are performed with a height‐polynomial‐adaptive (hp) Fourier finite‐element method that delivers highly accurate solutions… Wiley

Discrete conservation laws and the convergence of long time simulations of the mkdv equation
Authors: Luis Vega,Miguel A. Alejo,Carlos Gorria
Pseudospectral collocation methods and finite difference methods have been used for approximating an important family of soliton like solutions of the mKdV equation. These solutions present a structural instability which make difficult to approximate their evolution in long time intervals with… Elsevier BV

Supervised pre-processing approaches in multiple class variables classification for fish recruitment forecasting
Authors: Fernandes, José Antonio,Lozano, Jose A.,Iñza, Iñaki,Irigoien, Xabier,Pérez, Aritz,Rodríguez, Juan Diego
A multi-species approach to fisheries management requires taking into account the interactions between species in order to improve recruitment forecasting of the fish species. Recent advances in Bayesian networks direct the learning of models with several interrelated variables to be forecasted… Elsevier BV

On the design of a novel two-objective harmony search approach for distance- and connectivity-based localization in wireless sensor networks
Authors: Manjarres, D.,Del Ser, J.,Gil-Lopez, S.,Vecchio, M.,Landa-Torres, I.,Salcedo-Sanz, S.,Lopez-Valcarce, R.
In several wireless sensor network applications the availability of accurate nodes' location information is essential to make collected data meaningful. In this context, estimating the positions of all unknown-located nodes of the network based on noisy distance-related measurements (usually… Elsevier BV

Recent Advances on Meta-Heuristics and Their Application to Real Scenarios
Authors: Javier Del Ser

Combining stochastic and deterministic approaches within high efficiency molecular simulations
Authors: Escribano, B.,Akhmatskaya, E.,Mujika, J.I.
Abstract Generalized Shadow Hybrid Monte Carlo (GSHMC) is a method for molecular simulations that rigorously alternates Monte Carlo sampling from a canonical ensemble with integration of trajectories using Molecular Dynamics (MD). While conventional hybrid Monte Carlo methods… Walter de Gruyter GmbH

The Economics of Hydro-Meteorological Disasters: Approaching the Estimation of the Total Costs
Authors: Stefano Balbi,Carlo Giupponi,Roland Olschewski,Vahid Mojtahed
21 p.
Elsevier BV