

Displaying 726 - 750 of 1307
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A novel range-free localization algorithm to turn connectivity traces and motion data into localization information
Authors: José Luis Ortega Martín,Sergio Gil-Lopez,Ignacio Olabarrieta,Javier Del Ser,José María Cabero
Abstract This paper presents a novel range-free localization algorithm that has been originally designed to help in the characterization of human behavior by turning connectivity traces of mobile nodes into localization information. It is based on an error function that uses connectivity between… Elsevier BV

Personalised PageRank for making recommendations in digital cultural heritage collections
Authors: Paul Clough,Eneko Agirre,Arantxa Otegi
In this paper we describe the use of Personalised PageRank (PPR) to generate recommendations from a large collection of cultural heritage items. Various methods for computing item-to-item similarities are investigated, together with representing the collection as a network over which random walks… IEEE

A secondary field based Fourier finite element method for the simulation of 3D marine CSEM measurements
Authors: David Pardo,Shaaban A. Bakr
This work describes an extension of a Fourier finite element method used for the simulation of three-dimensional (3D) marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) measurements using a secondary field based formulation. The key point here is that the primary field employs a semi-analytical… Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Cytotoxicity and cellular mechanisms involved in the toxicity of CdS quantum dots in hemocytes and gill cells of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Authors: Miren P. Cajaraville,Douglas Gilliland,Inmaculada Arostegui,Alberto Katsumiti
CdS quantum dots (QDs) show a great promise for treatment and diagnosis of cancer and for targeted drug delivery, due to their size-tunable fluorescence and ease of functionalization for tissue targeting. In spite of their advantages it is important to determine if CdS QDs can exert toxicity on… Elsevier BV

Instrumental methods for professional and amateur collaborations in planetary astronomy
Authors: W. Beisker,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Benoit Carry,Thomas Widemann,J. Guarro-Flo,L. Buzzi,Georg Fischer,A. Wesley,Vincent Boudon,Françoise Roques,A. S. Rajpurohit,F. Meyer,Ricardo Hueso,Alexis Bouquet,Jean-Pierre Lebreton,John H. Rogers,Philippe Rousselot,…
Amateur contributions to professional publications have increased exponentially over the last decades in the field of Planetary Astronomy. Here we review the different domains of the field in which collaborations between professional and amateur astronomers are effective and regularly lead to… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

The Vortex Filament Equation as a Pseudorandom Generator
Authors: De la Hoz, F.,Vega, L.
17 pages in Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2014
Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A hybrid method for inversion of 3D AC resistivity logging measurements
Authors: Gajda-Zagórska, E.,Schaefer, R.,Smolka, M.,Paszynski, M.,Pardo, D.
This paper focuses on the application of
Elsevier BV

A hybrid method for inversion of 3D DC resistivity logging measurements
Authors: Smołka, Maciej,Gajda-Zagórska, Ewa,Schaefer, Robert,Paszyński, Maciej,Pardo, David
This paper focuses on the application of
Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A review of travel time estimation and forecasting for Advanced Traveller Information Systems
Authors: Mori, U.,Mendiburu, A.,Alvarez, Maite,Lozano, J.A.
Due to the increase in vehicle transit and congestion in road networks, providing information about the state of the traffic to commuters has become a critical issue for Advanced Traveller Information Systems. These systems should assist users in making pre-trip and en-route decisions and, for this… Informa UK Limited

Evaluating hierarchical organisation structures for exploring digital libraries
Authors: Hall, Mark M.,Fernando, Samuel,Clough, Paul D.,Soroa, Aitor,Agirre, Eneko,Stevenson, Mark
Search boxes providing simple keyword-based search are insufficient when users have complex information needs or are unfamiliar with a collection, for example in large digital libraries. Browsing hierarchies can support these richer interactions, but many collections do not have a suitable… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Extending distance-based ranking models in estimation of distribution algorithms
Authors: Josu Ceberio,Jose A. Lozano,Alexander Mendiburu,Ekhine Irurozki
Recently, probability models on rankings have been proposed in the field of estimation of distribution algorithms in order to solve permutation-based combinatorial optimisation problems. Particularly, distance-based ranking models, such as Mallows and Generalized Mallows under the Kendall's-τ… IEEE

Numerical Regge pole analysis of resonance structures in elastic, inelastic and reactive state-to-state integral cross sections
Authors: Elena Akhmatskaya,Elena Akhmatskaya,C. Echeverría-Arrondo,Dmitri Sokolovski,Dmitri Sokolovski
We present a detailed description of a FORTRAN code for evaluation of the resonance contribution a Regge trajectory makes to the integral state-to-state cross section (ICS) within a specified range of energies. The contribution is evaluated with the help of the Mulholland formula [Macek et al (2004… Elsevier BV

Automatic detection of chest compressions for the assessment of CPR-quality parameters
Authors: Jo Kramer-Johansen,Elisabete Aramendi,Unai Ayala,Unai Ayala,Erik Alonso,S. Wali,Unai Irusta,Trygve Eftestøl
Accurate chest compression detection is key to evaluate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) quality. Two automatic compression detectors were developed, for the compression depth (CD), and for the thoracic impedance (TI). The objective was to evaluate their accuracy for compression detection and… Elsevier BV

A daylight experiment for teaching stellar interferometry
Authors: Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Ricardo Hueso,Gotzon Aldabaldetreku,Gaizka Durana,Joseba Zubia,María Asunción Illarramendi
We discuss the design of a simple experiment that reproduces the operation of the Michelson stellar interferometer. The emission of stellar sources has been simulated using light emerging from circular end-faces of step-index polymer optical fibers and from diffuse reflections of laser beams.… American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

Retrieval of orbital parameters of the Galilean satellites using small telescopes
Authors: Iñaki Ordóñez Etxeberria,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia
The orbital motion of Jupiterʼs Galilean satellites can be studied using the medium-sized telescopes commonly found in college or school observatories. In this paper we show how it is possible to deduce the parameters of their orbits around Jupiter using a small number of well-planed observations.… IOP Publishing

Subtypes of Patients Experiencing Exacerbations of COPD and Associations with Outcomes
Authors: Arostegui, Inmaculada,Esteban, Cristobal,Garcia-Gutierrez, Susana,Baré i Mañas, Marisa,Fernández de Larrea, Nerea,Briones, Eduardo,Quintana López, José María,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Pediatria, d'Obstetrícia i Ginecologia i…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex and heterogeneous condition characterized by occasional exacerbations. Identifying clinical subtypes among patients experiencing COPD exacerbations (ECOPD) could help better understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in… Public Library of Science (PLoS)

Glory revealed in disk-integrated photometry of Venus
Authors: A. García Muñoz,Agustín Sánchez-Lavega,Santiago Pérez-Hoyos
Context. Reflected light from a spatially unresolved planet yields unique insight into the overall optical properties of the planet cover. Glories are optical phenomena caused by light that is backscattered within spherical droplets following a narrow distribution of sizes; they are well known on… EDP Sciences

Computational cost estimates for parallel shared memory isogeometric multi-frontal solvers
Authors: Wozniak, M.,Kuznik, K.,Paszynski, M.,Calo, Victor,Pardo, D.
In this paper we present computational cost estimates for parallel shared memory isogeometric multi-frontal solvers. The estimates show that the ideal isogeometric shared memory parallel direct solver scales as $\mathcal{O}( p^2log(N/p))$ for one dimensional problems, $\mathcal{O}(Np^2)$ for two… Elsevier BV

Range-free localization algorithm based on connectivity and motion
Authors: José Luis Ortega Martín,Javier Del Ser,Ignacio Olabarrieta,Sergio Gil-Lopez,José María Cabero
Information about the position of entities is very valuable in many fields. People, animals, robots and sensors are some examples of entities that have been targeted as nodes of interest for localization purposes. Technical advances in ubiquitous computing and wireless communications properties are… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Can thoracic impedance monitor the depth of chest compressions during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
Authors: Jesus Ruiz,Elisabete Aramendi,Erik Alonso,Mohamud Daya,James K. Russell,Digna M. González-Otero,Sofía Ruiz de Gauna,Unai Ayala
To analyze the relationship between the depth of the chest compressions and the fluctuation caused in the thoracic impedance (TI) signal in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). The ultimate goal was to evaluate whether it is possible to identify compressions with inadequate depth using… Elsevier BV

Standardised and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects
Authors: Birgit Müller,Stefano Balbi,Carsten M. Buchmann,Luís de Sousa,Gunnar Dressler,Jürgen Groeneveld,Christian J. Klassert,Quang Bao Le,James D.A. Millington,Henning Nolzen,Dawn C. Parker,J. Gary Polhill,Maja Schlüter,Jule Schulze,Nina Schwarz,Zhanli Sun,…
Agent-based models are helpful to investigate complex dynamics in coupled humanenatural systems. However, model assessment, model comparison and replication are hampered to a large extent by a lack of transparency and comprehensibility in model descriptions. In this article we address the question… Elsevier BV

Compact and Fast Fault Injection System for Robustness Measurements on SRAM-Based FPGAs
Authors: Mikel Garay,Jaime Jiménez,Armando Astarloa,Uli Kretzschmar,Javier Del Ser
Developing safety-aware designs on field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) directly feeds a demand for error emulation techniques. Since for SRAM-based FPGA single event upsets (SEU) are the most important concern, error testing is usually executed using error injection into the configuration memory… Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Application-aware metrics for partition selection in cube-shaped topologies
Authors: Jose A. Lozano,Jose Miguel-Alonso,Jose Antonio Pascual
Abstract Non-contiguous partitioning strategies are often used to select and assign a set of nodes of a parallel computer to a particular job. The main advantage of these strategies, compared to contiguous ones, is the reduction of system fragmentation. However, without contiguity, locality in… Elsevier BV

Predictive score for mortality in patients with COPD exacerbations attending hospital emergency departments
Authors: Quintana, José María,Esteban, Cristóbal,Unzurrunzaga, Anette,García Gutiérrez, Susana,González, Nerea,Barrio, Irantzu,Arostegui, Inmaculada,Lafuente, Iratxe,Baré, Marisa,Fernández de Larrea-Baz, Nerea,Vidal, Silvia,Estirado Vera, Cristina, 1968-,Gea…
Limited information is available about predictors of short-term outcomes in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (eCOPD) attending an emergency department (ED). Such information could help stratify these patients and guide medical decision-making. The aim of this… Springer Science and Business Media LLC

A Distance-Based Ranking Model Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for the Flowshop Scheduling Problem
Authors: Alexander Mendiburu,Josu Ceberio,Ekhine Irurozki,Jose A. Lozano
The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, we introduce a novel general estimation of distribution algorithm to deal with permutation-based optimization problems. The algorithm is based on the use of a probabilistic model for permutations called the generalized Mallows model. In order to prove the… Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)