Keynote given by Prof. Javi Del Ser at the ApplAI 2024 conference
Javi Del Ser, scientific coordinator of the JRL-A2I, delivered a keynote on technological AI trends in the first edition of the Basque Congress on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ApplAI), held on May 15th in Zamudio (Spain) [1]. Organized by the Basque Artificial Intelligence Center (BAIC), this event gathered practitioners and researchers from the entire Basque R&D ecosystem around an agenda plenty of talks delivered by renowned companies and research centers in this technology, including Microsoft and Google, alongside large industrial stakeholders such as Repsol/Petronor, CAF, Ayesa Informática, ITP, Sener, or Versia, among others. Javi’s keynote gravitated around the current prospects and research priorities related to the practical application of AI-based systems, including AI safety, collaborative/coordinated AI models and trustworthy AI. His presentation [2] received widespread acclaim from attendees, who praised his insightful and inspiring presentation.